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You are here: Configuring the Solution for Administrative Users > Configuring Patient Assign

Configuring Patient Assign

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

The optional Demand Manager application and Registration Import interface are prerequisites for running Patient Assign.

Configuring Patient Assign requires you to complete steps in the Staff Manager Administrator, Staff Manager Client, and Clairvia Web portions of the Staff Manager solution. This topic covers the steps in Clairvia Web.

  1. Create assignment partitions. See Configuring Global Shift Categories and Partitions.
  2. Configure the Patient Assign settings.
  3. Create caregiver roles.
  4. Assign caregiver roles to profiles.
  5. Create Additional Duties.

For a complete list of the steps needed to configure Patient Assign, see the Configuring Patient Assign Checklist.

Only Admin users can create and edit caregiver roles and additional duties. All Admin users and managers can assign caregiver roles to profiles and configure Patient Assign Settings, according to the Assignment Manager Configuration group permission in Staff Manager Administrator.

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